Zweimal im Jahr, zum Jahresanfang und zur Jahresmitte, rechnen wir gegenüber unseren Autoren und Grafikern unsere verkauften Bücher ab.
Das ist soweit Routine.
Aber dieses Mal hatten wir auch eine Premiere: Wir rechneten unsere Spende ab, die wir im Rahmen unserer Verkäufe unseres Euko-Buches einsammelten. Es war soweit, unsere erste Spende, bei der wir 25{7533244fa733e23f61e3628f5dea1da88aeb4e495ec2af5c004fa814c0575887} unseres Gewinnes aus den Verkäufen zur Rettung der Koalas in Richtung Australien zu den Friends of Koalas schickten.
Heute haben wir schon eine Antwort vom Vizepräsidenten der Vereinigung erhalten, die ich hier posten möchte:
Dear Elisa,
I know I write on behalf of our President, Lorraine Vass, all of our Committee and of course our koalas, to thank you so much for your generosity and for your kind words. As we’re a volunteer organisation every donation we receive goes 100{7533244fa733e23f61e3628f5dea1da88aeb4e495ec2af5c004fa814c0575887} to our activities in rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing koalas back into the wild. Gandhi was certainly convincing when he urged us to be the change we want to see, and it is only through the action of individuals that lasting change does occur.
We have been fortunate to have had a volunteer from Germany working with us for a month recently and we learnt much from her about Germany and she also learnt much about us and this wonderful iconic animal we’re fighting to save. As you say, we are one world and there is one nature and those who want to conserve and protect nature come from every corner of the world.
We look forward with great interest to see the book when it’s translated into English, and hope the same occurs with the second and third books Dani Vanreusel writes.
Thank you so much for valuing our work and demonstrating that with your donation.
Warm regards,
Ros Irwin
Vice President
Friends of the Koala
32 Dougan Road
Caniaba NSW 2480n

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