n Ein Kontinent steht in Flammen. Australien brennt, brennt noch immer. 24 Menschen sind bisher umgekommen, Land in der Größe der Niederlanden ist verbrannt, mehr als 1400 Häuser sind zerstört, 500 Millionen Tiere sind den Feuertod gestorben und von diesen waren 8000 Koalas betroffen, eine Tierart die ohnehin schon vom Aussterben bedroht ist.
n Seit November 2016 liegen uns die Koalas sehr am Herzen und mit dem Verkauf unseres niedlichen Kinderbuches “Euko und die fliegenden Füchse” haben wir ein Buch, aus dessen Einnahmen wir für die gemeinnützige Organisation “Friends of the Koala Inc.” spenden.
n Diese Organisation gibt es schon seit über 30 Jahren. Ihr Sitz ist die Stadt East Lismore im Bundesstaat New South Wales im Osten von Australien. Dieser Bundesstaat brennt zur Zeit am Schlimmsten, der Notstand wurde ausgerufen, Bilder der Evakuierungen und Feuerbekämpfung sind in den deutschen Tagesthemen angekommen.
n Koalas gab es einmal in ganz Australien. Nun gibt es sie in freier Wildbahn nur noch in den Bundesstaaten Victoria und New South Wales, also da wo derzeit die meisten Feuer wüten.
n “Friends of the Koala” arbeitet mit einigen hauptamtlichen, und sehr vielen freiwilligen Helfern. Sie haben immer eine Tierärztin im Haus. Neben dem Büro gibt es dort eine Station wo regulär 20 Koalas die krank, verletzt oder verwaist sind, gepflegt werden, bevor sie wieder ausgewildert werden können, sofern möglich.
n Im Dezember waren es Aufgrund der massiven Dürre und der Brände 30 Koalas, die versorgt werden. Die freiwilligen Helfer sind an ihrer Erschöpfungsgrenze und kümmern sich dennoch aufopferungsvoll und gewissenhaft um die Koalas dort.
n Koala bedeutet soviel wie “kein Wasser” denn Wissenschaftler gehen davon aus, dass Koalas ihre Flüssigkeit aus den Eukalyptusblättern bekommen, die sie fressen. Doch wenn die Dürre so schlimm ist, wie derzeit, kommen die Koalas von ihren Bäumen herunter (was sie im Normalfall nie tun würden, da es sie stärker angreifbar macht) und nähern sich den Menschen, um Wasser zu bekommen.
n Bei “Friends of the Koala” werden derzeit viele Koalas eingeliefert, die massiv dehydriert sind.
n Hinter dem Häuserkomplex gibt es eine Baumschule, wo Futterbäume gezogen werden. Das sind die Eukylptussorten, die am meisten von den Koalas in dieser Gegend bevorzugt werden. Für 1 australischen Dollar bekommen Landbesitzer die Bäume einpflanzfertig. Sie erhalten dort auch Beratung und Hilfe beim Wiederaufforsten.
n Ein Raum ist der Weiterbildung gewidmet. Schulklassen, Erwachsene und generell alle Arten von Gruppen werden dort über Brandprävention geschult und unterrichtet, ebenso über ein koalafreundliches Verhalten und woran man hilfebedürftige und kranke Koalas erkennt und wann man die 24-Stunden Hotline anrufen muss (Für die Koalas der unmittelbaren 5 Landkreise bedient “Friends of the Koala” eine eigene 24-Stunden Hotline). Es werden Seminare und Workshops dort veranstaltet. Im Büro kümmert man sich auch darum, Freiwillige in der Region zu vernetzen.
n Um die Arbeit zu finanzieren ist auch „Friends oft he Koala“ auf Spenden angewiesen. Jede Spende, und sei sie noch so winzig, hilft unmittelbar, da der Verwaltungsapparat sehr schlank ist.
n Wir finden, diese großartige und wegweisende Institution, die noch immer unermüdlich gegen das Aussterben der Koalas in dieser Region kämpft, verdient die Hilfe von uns allen. Wir haben nur eine Welt.
n Wenn ihr helfen wollt, aber keine Kinderbücher mögt oder keine Kinder zum Beschenken habt, dann könnt ihr auch ganz direkt auf diese Webseite gehen und dort unter anderem mit Verwendung von PayPal spenden: https://www.friendsofthekoala.org/make-online-donation/
n Friends of the Koala needs our help
n A continent is in flames. Australia is still burning. 24 people have died so far, land in the size of the Netherlands has been burned down, more than 1400 houses are destroyed, 500 million animals have died in the flames 8000 of which are koalas, a species. that is already almost extinct.
n Since November 2016 koalas are dear to your heart and by selling our cute childrens' book “Euko und die fliegenden Füchse” (Euko and the flying foxes) we have a book, a part of whose proceeds donate to the nonprofit organization “Friends of the Koala Inc.”.
n This organization exists for more than 30 years already. It is located in the city East Lismore in the federal state New South Wales in the east of Australia. This state is currently burning far the worst, the state of emergency has been proclaimed here and the pictures of people being evacuated or fire being fighted have arrived in the biggest German media news.
n Once there used to be koalas all over entire Australia. Now wild koalas can only be found in the states Victoria and New South Wales, so exactly where the most fires are raging currently.
n “Friends of the Koala” is working with some full-time employees and a lot of volunteers. There is always a vet around. Apart from the office, there is a station that regularily can shelter and offer care for 20 koalas which are ill, injured or orphaned, before these can be released into the wild again if possible.
n In December because of the massive drought and the fires 30 koalas had to be taken care of. The volunteers are at their limits of exhaustion and yet still selflessly, diligently and devoted taking care of the koalas there.
n The name Koala roughly means “no water” , because scientists are sure that koalas get the water they need from the gum tree leaves, which they eat. But when the drought is so bad like at the moment, the koalas come climbing down from their trees (which they typically would never do as it makes them more vulnerable to predators) and get close to humans in order to get water to drink.
n At “Friends of the Koala” at the moment a lot of koalas are arriving that are massively dehydrated.
n Behind the houses at their place there is a tree nursery where food trees are grown. These are the kinds of eukylptus trees, which the koalas in this region love to eat most. For 1 australian Dollar landowners can by these trees ready for planting. Landowners also can get advice and help with reforrestation.
n One room is dedicated to education. School classes, adults and all kinds of groups in general are taught about preventing fires and educated about how to behave koala-friendly and how to recognize an ill koala or koala in need. And when to call the 24-hours hotlines when they see an ill or needy koala. (For the koalas of the immediate 5 counties around East Lismore, “Friends of the Koala” also offers their own 24-hours Hotline). Also lectures and workshops are taking place in this room as well. In their office they also take care of connecting all volunteers in this region.
n To be able to fund this work, „Friends oft he Koala“ relies on donations. Each donation, even the tiniest one helps immediately as the administration is not using much of it for itself.
n We think this great and path-breaking, game-changing institution, which is still tirelessly fighting the extinction of the koalas of the region, deserves the help of all of us. We have only one world.
n If YOU want to help but don't like childrens' books or have no children to give one as a present in your life, you could also as well directly go to this webpage and there among other, use PayPal to donate: https://www.friendsofthekoala.org/make-online-donation/
n Since November 2016 koalas are dear to your heart and by selling our cute childrens' book “Euko und die fliegenden Füchse” (Euko and the flying foxes) we have a book, a part of whose proceeds donate to the nonprofit organization “Friends of the Koala Inc.”.
n This organization exists for more than 30 years already. It is located in the city East Lismore in the federal state New South Wales in the east of Australia. This state is currently burning far the worst, the state of emergency has been proclaimed here and the pictures of people being evacuated or fire being fighted have arrived in the biggest German media news.
n Once there used to be koalas all over entire Australia. Now wild koalas can only be found in the states Victoria and New South Wales, so exactly where the most fires are raging currently.
n “Friends of the Koala” is working with some full-time employees and a lot of volunteers. There is always a vet around. Apart from the office, there is a station that regularily can shelter and offer care for 20 koalas which are ill, injured or orphaned, before these can be released into the wild again if possible.
n In December because of the massive drought and the fires 30 koalas had to be taken care of. The volunteers are at their limits of exhaustion and yet still selflessly, diligently and devoted taking care of the koalas there.
n The name Koala roughly means “no water” , because scientists are sure that koalas get the water they need from the gum tree leaves, which they eat. But when the drought is so bad like at the moment, the koalas come climbing down from their trees (which they typically would never do as it makes them more vulnerable to predators) and get close to humans in order to get water to drink.
n At “Friends of the Koala” at the moment a lot of koalas are arriving that are massively dehydrated.
n Behind the houses at their place there is a tree nursery where food trees are grown. These are the kinds of eukylptus trees, which the koalas in this region love to eat most. For 1 australian Dollar landowners can by these trees ready for planting. Landowners also can get advice and help with reforrestation.
n One room is dedicated to education. School classes, adults and all kinds of groups in general are taught about preventing fires and educated about how to behave koala-friendly and how to recognize an ill koala or koala in need. And when to call the 24-hours hotlines when they see an ill or needy koala. (For the koalas of the immediate 5 counties around East Lismore, “Friends of the Koala” also offers their own 24-hours Hotline). Also lectures and workshops are taking place in this room as well. In their office they also take care of connecting all volunteers in this region.
n To be able to fund this work, „Friends oft he Koala“ relies on donations. Each donation, even the tiniest one helps immediately as the administration is not using much of it for itself.
n We think this great and path-breaking, game-changing institution, which is still tirelessly fighting the extinction of the koalas of the region, deserves the help of all of us. We have only one world.
n If YOU want to help but don't like childrens' books or have no children to give one as a present in your life, you could also as well directly go to this webpage and there among other, use PayPal to donate: https://www.friendsofthekoala.org/make-online-donation/
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